西伯利事変 写真帖 Siberian Intervention photo book

浦潮派遣軍司令官 大井大将 General.Oi. Commander of teh des Patched army at Vladivostok
浦潮派遣軍司令官 大井大将 General.Oi. Commander of teh des Patched army at Vladivostok

浦潮日本海軍司令官 川原少将 Rear adomiral, Kawahara. Commander of the Japanese Navy at Vladivostok
浦潮日本海軍司令官 川原少将 Rear adomiral, Kawahara. Commander of the Japanese Navy at Vladivostok

浦潮港内ニ於ケル聯合各國軍艦 (朝日ブルツクリンサンフヲーク海容) Warship of Allied Powers inside Vladivostok Harbour
浦潮港内ニ於ケル聯合各國軍艦 (朝日ブルツクリンサンフヲーク海容) Warship of Allied Powers inside Vladivostok Harbour

西伯利事變最初ノ聯合國幹部(浦潮本願寺ニテ)Staffs of the Allied Army in Siberian Affairs
西伯利事變最初ノ聯合國幹部(浦潮本願寺ニテ)Staffs of the Allied Army in Siberian Affairs

浦潮斯徳スウエツランスカヤ街 (ゾロトイローグ前) Swetlanskaya Street(in front of Zolotoi Rog)
浦潮斯徳スウエツランスカヤ街 (ゾロトイローグ前) Swetlanskaya Street(in front of Zolotoi Rog)

チエツクスロヴヤク兵最初ノ浦潮到着 The First Arrival of the Czech at Vladivostok
チエツクスロヴヤク兵最初ノ浦潮到着 The First Arrival of the Czech at Vladivostok

攻撃ノ的トナレル露革命軍司令部 Head Quarters of the Revolutionary Army the Target of the Attack
攻撃ノ的トナレル露革命軍司令部 Head Quarters of the Revolutionary Army the Target of the Attack

露國革命軍司令部攻撃中ノチエツク軍機關銃隊 Machine gun Party of the Czech Army Attacking the Head uarters of the Revolutionary Army
露國革命軍司令部攻撃中ノチエツク軍機關銃隊 Machine gun Party of the Czech Army Attacking the Head uarters of the Revolutionary Army

日本赤十字病院ニ収容サレタル チエツク軍負傷兵 Wounded soldiers taken in the Hospital of the Japanese Red Cross Society
日本赤十字病院ニ収容サレタル チエツク軍負傷兵 Wounded soldiers taken in the Hospital of the Japanese Red Cross Society

日本海軍陸戦隊本部ニ於ケル松本指揮官以下幹部 Commander Matsumoto and the Staffs
日本海軍陸戦隊本部ニ於ケル松本指揮官以下幹部 Commander Matsumoto and the Staffs

西伯利事変聯合軍代表者集合 (チエツク軍司令部後庭) Group of the Staffs of the Allied Army in Siberian affairs
西伯利事変聯合軍代表者集合 (チエツク軍司令部後庭) Group of the Staffs of the Allied Army in Siberian affairs

日本軍浦潮上陸 Landing of the Japanese Army at Vladivostok
日本軍浦潮上陸 Landing of the Japanese Army at Vladivostok
日本軍浦潮上陸 Landing of the Japanese Army at Vladivostok

浦潮派遣軍司令官大谷将軍ノ浦潮上陸 Landing of General Otani
浦潮派遣軍司令官大谷将軍ノ浦潮上陸 Landing of General Otani

日本海軍分列式 Review of the Japanese Navy
日本海軍分列式 Review of the Japanese Navy

佛國陸軍浦潮上陸 Review of the French Army
佛國陸軍浦潮上陸 Review of the French Army

支那軍分列式 Review of the Chinese Army
支那軍分列式 Review of the Chinese Army

ロザノフ将軍 General Lozanoff
ロザノフ将軍 General Lozanoff

浦潮停車場構内ノ ガイダー軍(ガイダー事件) Gaidar Army in Vladivostock Station
浦潮停車場構内ノ ガイダー軍(ガイダー事件) Gaidar Army in Vladivostock Station

ロザノフ軍ノ装甲列車 (ガイダー事件) Armed train of Lozanoff Army
ロザノフ軍ノ装甲列車 (ガイダー事件) Armed train of Lozanoff Army

三原旅団長ノ浦潮上陸(海軍陸戦隊本部前) Landing of the Brigade Commander Mihara at Vladivostok
三原旅団長ノ浦潮上陸(海軍陸戦隊本部前) Landing of the Brigade Commander Mihara at Vladivostok

カルムイコフ将軍ト其幹部(ハバロフスク)General Karmuikof and his Staffs
カルムイコフ将軍ト其幹部(ハバロフスク)General Karmuikof and his Staffs

赤衛軍ノ装甲自動車 Armed Moter-car of the Revolutionary
赤衛軍ノ装甲自動車 Armed Moter-car of the Revolutionary

日本軍ノ警戒(日本軍司令部附近) Guard of the Japanese Army near the Head Quarters
日本軍ノ警戒(日本軍司令部附近) Guard of the Japanese Army near the Head Quarters